
Showing posts with the label Factory

2021 08 06 Use Hearing Protection exhibition

A trip to Manchester for this. The content was largely the same as Bored In The City , with the notable addition of Ian Curtis's guitar.

Bored In The City Booklet

FAC 1—50 Jon Savage There are many Factory beginnings, but one is in the radical ferment of the late sixties, to which Tony Wilson was exposed during his time at Cambridge University between 1969 and 1972. It was an era of sit-ins and violent student protest, yet the most hermetic and influential input from those years was the smattering of samizdat material from the  Situationist International (SI) — in particular the magazine Internationale Situationniste — which, translated into English, started to percolate into the minds of young radicals from 1966 onwards. That was the year in which Christopher Gray and Philippe Vissac produced the founding translation of Raoul Vaneigem’s Totality For Kids ,

2019 10 11 Bored In The City photos

Using a far better camera (on a phone, as well) than at The Peter Saville Show !