New Order - Macclesfield 19 April 1985



THIS WAS the Hometown Heroes Event- local boy and girl make good. The concrete walls echoed in defiance as the intensity of the musical wash heightened. Gee, those pedestals grow with every report, but the post-punk praise is still appropriate.

'Love Will Tear Us Apart‘ (a version) was full of emotion. The guitars and bass growled in contempt, sustaining a power—packed, passionate charge. This was an extreme, along with 'Blue Monday'. Too many backing tapes (dead or alive?), it was still a danceable ditty, suitably refreshing and seriously seductive.

But another side was revealed as Bore ‘n' Order welcomed a mass of self-indulgent sogginess, less meaningful masterpieces than hippy-dippy whitewash. No points given for atmosphere (that blue light was certainly overworked) when the music‘s more painful than an ingrowing toenail.

It must be a Tall Order living up to their unique reputation, but the fact that our heroes can sometimes cut it means that we‘re bound to cry out for concentrated quality. Occasionally, New Order are the most innovative and thoughtful pop band on this planet, but what malaise hits them the other 50 per cent of the time?

