1985 06 Zigzag New Order Feature
N.O. Future Manchester boys (John Brane and New Order de-basement Pete Hookes) cut the crap. ZIGZAG JUNE 1985 Jesus what is this cold and miserable place I find myself in? It's Rochdale raining, Sunday afternoon. Turn a few crumbly corners till I find Suite 16 studio once known as Cargo studios until Pete Hookes (bass player and public profile person of New Order) bought it. New Order — from cult status, Buzzcocks supports, long raincoat, Factory club, massive cult status of Joy Division days to the even more immense cult status they enjoy today (most of their audience unaware of their former incarnation) . I suppose it doesn't even matter. Why are they so sodding massive? A keen eye at the other scribes in the room gives the game away; they appeal to techno buffs who love to talk in numbers, as represented by a pompous nitwit from International Musician (Where else?) who spends his question time on REALLY interesting topics like the code number...